Terms of service


  • To commission either send me a PM on twitter @KioShepherd or follow the link above and fill out the "Order Form".

  • If you have specific due dates in mind they can be discussed (ie. needs to be done in time for a birthday, anniversary, etc.)

  • Standard turnaround time for anything other than reference sheets are 2-4 weeks. Reference image turnaround times are 4-8 weeks.

  • You will be sent WIPS of every stage. (sketch, lines, colour, final render). Changes will primarily be made during the sketch phase. Once things have progressed from the sketch phase (unlimited free changes during this phase), with your approval , there will be 5 free changes allowed before the final render stage. Once at final render there will only be 2 free changes allowed.

  • Refunds must be requested at the sketch stage or earlier.

  • If you have any questions at all about commissioning me, my TOS, or anything else please don't hesitate to reach out.

© KioShepherd. All rights reserved.